Faith and Hope Counselling Services Ltd by Guarantee is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 2012 and founded on the ideals of promoting awareness on the spread of HIV/AIDS by participating in conducting outreach programmes, educating and training care givers, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), conducting seminars on prevention of HIV/AIDS and many others such as STDS, TB and Malaria.
Our mission is to promote sustainable development within our communities who are most affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic particularly women, children and young people. We believe that knowledge is the key element in improving health. Through education and continuous training, we will achieve equitable access to health, social and educational services and facilitate sustainable livelihood programmes. We endeavour to introduce newer methodologies of testing, diagnosis and conduct innovative training programmes to reach out to the communities. We have also focussed much attention to those who are physically challenged and are HIV positive and the elderly people who are HIV positive and involved them more into community activities (estimates suggest that around 13% of the people living with HIV in Africa are aged 50 and above).
- promoting awareness on the spread of HIV/AIDS/TB/Malaria by participating in conducting outreach programmes, educating and training care givers, voluntary counselling and testing,
- Women Empowerment
- Youth Enrichment programme
- Orphanage
- Education and Training
- Sustainable Agriculture
Organization Structure
Our Team
Managing Director
Surender Sreevaru Gopal
Director of Education
Samuel R.J Shantha Kumar
Director- Projects
Charles Mulenga
To bring about a holistic concerted response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
To strengthen the capacity of organisations working against the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Aims & Objectives
- To expand HIV/AIDS Educational programmes and promoting social positive behavior change intended to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and many others such as STDs, TB and Malaria.
- To support treatment and care to people living with HIV/AIDS for the prevention of new HIV/AIDS infections especially transmission of mother to child.
- To support P24Ag/Ab testing for early detection of the virus in pregnant mothers for
- reducing transmission of the virus to the unborn baby.
- To provide world class counselling and testing, lectures, conferences and outreach programmes on HIV/AIDS.
- To train peer educators and conduct tailor made courses on PMTCT, PEP, PRE EP, etc.
- To present radio programmes for the public in the communities.
Our Core Competence
- Prevention for High – Risk Negatives
- Prevention for High – Risk Positives
- Linking High – Risk Positives into Care and Treatment
- Treatment Adherence and Delaying the Disease Progression